As some tall cliff, that lifts its awful form,
Swells from the vale,
And midway leaves the storm,
Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread,
Eternal sunshine settles on its head.
I was born on 4 September 1946 and ordained to ministry on 20 December 1969. For three decades I have worked with various Dalith communities as a parish priest and was part of a traditional fish workers trade union movement for over 30 years along with a number of other liberation theology activists. I was editor of the vernacular magazine Dynamic Action and part of the editorial team of the magazine Organ for Radical Action.
My ministry also involved working with a number of NGOs on socio-political analysis and I have initiated a few centres. I also ministered in holistic health training programmes and centres and worked with many groups for retreats and other training programmes. My most recent ministry involves setting up a centre of creation spirituality.
Now, having formally retired from parish ministry since 2007, I live in that centre, dreaming up new missions and ministries in the area of creation spirituality.