May 3, 2018
The day started in the sacred space of the Eucharistic celebration where we were reminded of Nano’s motto ‘not words but deeds’. It was enriched with the sharing of our sisters of how we as Congregation have tried to live these words as we continue to minister to the poor of many different forms in the different parts of the world.
Before the business of the day started, the sharing of the dreams continued.
The Newfoundland and Labrador Unit shared the reflection on their symbol which speaks about launching into the deep. A symbolic description of a schooner being tossed in the tide but never gone adrift because of its anchor and its holding ground. They invited us to reflect on the following questions: When have we felt adrift and what anchors us? Where is our holding ground?
Our work as delegates started then as we were divided into different groups to look at the proposals from the different Units across the Congregation.
In the later part of the afternoon, we continue our contemplative dialogue process as we deeply shared about the varierty of cultural differences and richness in the Congregation.
The South West Ireland Unit shared their symbol of a picture-frame showing the three football clubs in their Province which speaks of being passionate people and reminding us once more of our being passionate Presentation women. With the words of Nano etched in our hearts, “Not words but deeds.”
We concluded the day with Irish blessing.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be ever at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
May the rain s fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again.
May God hold you
Ever in the palm of His hand.
Submitted by the Philippines Delegates