25 April 2018, Cork
Given by Sr Mary T O’Brien, pbvm
From this bridge
Which bears your name
Spanning South channel of the River Lee
Where spires and housetops shine
Against Cork’s evening sky
We salute you!
Venerable Nano!
We salute you!
From distance of
Three hundred years
Across the miles
And times and seasons
From Earth’s Corners
Where your name
Finds echoes still
We salute you Nano!
We salute you!
For hours you spent
In prayer and search
In garrets dark
In Finbarr’s church
We salute you, Nano!
We salute you!
For every time
Your weary feet
Made crossings of these cobbled streets
In cold and rain
In danger’s teeth
From South to North
From North to South
By day, by night,
By faint and waning lantern light
We salute you Nano!
We salute you!
Woman of faith, of courage
And of love
God’s Great News from heav’n above
Streamed on our world
And beyond!
We salute you!
Venerable Nano Nagle
We salute you!